Roller shutters » External
SK 45
front mounted shutters system 45˚ front mounted 45˚ revision box easy to install and service construction untroubled access to the shutter and drive inside mosquito net option to offer protection against flies, mosquitos and... Więcej…
front mounted extruded oval box front mounted oval revision box extruded to offer advanced strenght and security robust design easy to install and service untroubled access to the shutter and drive inside mosquito net... Więcej…
SP-E Integro
Economy class top mounted box with large size revision from the down side. economy option top mounted integrated with window frame invisible from outside added sound and thermal installation easy to install and service... Więcej…
SKT Opoterm
Top mounted PVC box with the inside revision. The all new, modern system of PVC top mounted window shutters designed to offer enhanced usage experience. enahnced reduction of heat transfer through a two-piece internal thermal insulation... Więcej…